Friday, November 5, 2010

My Single Ladies Journey

"Falling in Love is easy. Trying not to Love is the hard part."

Before catastrophe, my colleagues and I vaguely thought of a trip Semporna - Tawau during this Depavali holiday. Unforeseen events (the catastrophe) eventually made the trip happen!

From last nite's restless nite + deprivation of sleep, I bravely endured the 5 hours of dull, tons of singing drive to Semporna today. I am really worn out and emotionally drained. But, life must go on.

I vowed not to talk about my personal tonite.

Well, we left at 8am from sandakan. Calculating the KMs and the road condition, we should have arrive Semporna latest by 2pm, but.. girls being divas, being late + other unnecessary stops is a must. Journey to Semporna was dull. You look to your left, palm oil. You look to your right, palm oil, AGAIN. Imagine palm oil almost 80% of the journey ?!

It's been raining since we've arrived, so I'm yet to be impressed by what Semporna has to offer me.

There's still few things to say, but too tired right now.

lights off,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Truth - the reality or pain?

My biggest fear in relationship is trust.

In my years of having relationship, I've always had a hard time with my fellow friend "Trust" . Somehow I was always obsess of possessing the truth, at the same time, getting hurt by it. My need to have the truth was always a frienemy.

By force of nature to see how truth and lies destroy relationships of people around me, I somehow have a mindset of men - their character, nature and attitude.

Little did I know, actually I was the poison in my past relationship.
How do I overcome, I do not know.
What must I do, is just to have faith and hope someone will help me overcome this and leave this frienemy.

I cannot undo what I have done,
I lead this life, to learn mistakes,
though it takes me mistakes after mistakes,
Let time teach me truth.

yours truly,