Sunday, November 15, 2009

Appreciating the little things

I've come a long way since january, reaching the end of 2009, I look back at what I've been through, I've still got so much to learn, so much to understand. Overall, it's been a good year. Mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. Yes. It's been great. Well, not that I'm saying it has been 24hrs, 3-6-9 good... but, weighing out the pros and cons and appreciating the good things, yeah.. I can say it's great.

When you don't expect too much out of yourself, and life, Life can be satisfaying and happy. I've learnt that, as humans, we are only able to plan, but life takes its course naturally without abiding to our plans and timing. And so, I am learning to take life as it is. Expectations are natural. But, we shouldn't be kicking our butts, dreading of things we want but fail to get in our life, and in the end, end up being depressed, lifeless, most importantly, unhappy.

To be happy, is each individual right. I think, self-happiness is gained through being content and happy about yourself first, before the factor of other people in your life makes you happy. In a way, (for me at least...) to be happy, nessesity is yourself, others are just supplement to being happy.

I do admit, I'm not the most cheery - happy- almost everyday laughing- kinda person.. At least, I try to be happy, even when my skies are not that bright. I'm still very much single, but does that make me, UNHAPPY? Must I really need a relationship to allow me to be happy? I've been badly hurt by someone.. I embrace the fact that I'm hurt and sad, but must I really make life unhappy and gloomy?

I thank God for his grace and blessings... and for past recent happenings, are just to make me a stronger person. Well, with time and patience, wounds will heal, though it will never be the same, scars will remain as memories and teaching.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How to Hurt Someone?

Hmm... out of the blue, I'm all for words.

How do you hurt someone? skin deep, right to the soul?

You don't have to beat them up (unless they're really oxy-stupid fucking morons)
Words and silence is all there is.
That is why, I believe, do good to one point till the point of no return.
I have no hatred, but I do you good, don't till, You f'up, and give me shit.
that's when, all my "unlikely words of wisdom" seem to cheer the mood.

Owh, but I forgot, there are also other ways, where you just be fucking oblivious, of ignorant about the whole wide world, where the only thing you think of, is your fuckin' self. believe me, that's the the top of all cream.

ignorance is blissful. always has, always will be.
*to those who are just f'up in mind.*

When sweet turns into sour

"after every rain, there's sunshine at the end"...

mm.... they've failed to mention, after that awesome, bright, hot sunshine, there could be storm, hurricane, or even worst.

Why does happiness doesn't last forever? Why does fairytales seems just too bloody good to be true? Is it just so damn hard to find that bitter beginning but, sweet ending story? How I wish my life would sometime end like 'Notting hill' or 'sleepless in seattle' or 'when harry meets sally'?

that's why they say "those only happen in movies..." *sigh*

at times like these, I wish I have smart words, or clever phrases to depict my inner thoughts, yet I only have simple boring figure of speech. Yes, I'm no Sydney Shieldon or some marvelous writer. All I have, is me.

Why do people can be thicker than skin? Why does some, can't seem to realize what they've done hurt others, when it's so above surface than skin? shit. what Am i babbling?

Okay, So I've said things that I might or might not regret in the past hour, but should I really regret? hell No. Why not? hmm, I've gone through so much, without "you" knowing.

to you:

if only, we traded shoes, I could see what you see,
I could hear what you heared,
I could feel what you feel,
I could feel your pain.
for once, have you placed yourself in my shoe?
for once, has honesty been with us? to yourself? to me? to the world?
Yes, First impression lasts, but not for long,
for they say "don't judge a book just by it's freaking title..."
read the whole book, you'd know if the book is just worth keeping.

To you,
I'm sorry if my words tainted your colors,
never I meant, to kill the cat,

I've gave all I have, all my love,
for you throw it all away,
thank you, you've opened my eyes.
to a new brighter world, to a new chapter, to a new book.
Now, I won't just buy a book for it's cover, for it's title,
but for the stories, the book keeps.

A new person,
a new leaf
a new life,
a new year.
2010, I wait for you to come.