Thursday, August 6, 2009

Little words, Big Meaning

It's been long 3 months since my last post. Pass recent months' events has been crazy, whimsical, and a rollercoaster!

It's weird when you think you're missing out on things, when actually it's really how u perceive the situation. So much had happen since the existence of Astroboy in my once gray life. People come and go in life. I believe each encounter has its meaning. Be it a person to change your views, be that person u just hate his guts or ego, a bitch that has a way of getting what she wants, be a friend... be a boyfriend, a husband... and the list goes. I'm still at a point at figuring "what is the meaning of this whole frenzy fiasco meeting?"

*rolling eyes*

It's mentally challenging my desire to stay above the pressure of finding the normality of the situation. A constant inner voice keeps reminding me "stop whatever you're doing".... yet, I still find myself crawling back to the dumpshit over and over again.

It's addicting.

I didn't post anything lately cause I had nothing to write but lousy stories about how lame my life currently is, except that it's a rollercoaster. ironic?

the lucky one,


  1. i wonder how astro boy look like?...ada gamabr? tgk betapa handsomenya jejaka ini hhhee

  2. bibeh: gambar..? hmm.... i'll let u see one fine day. handsome? nah... just a regular bloke.... but good looking.... just nice for the eye.


  3. when is that "one fine day"?....aiyah..kasi email to melah..does he reads your blog???...he has FB???

  4. hmm... reads my blog? i dunno? perhaps. maybe. ahahah... owh yeaaaa he has FB. HAHAHAHAHA
