Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Bowl of Rice

I think it's high time for me to post something readable than my usual post about my so-called-hopeless-winding-dramatic life....


what should I write? family? er.... i'm happily still in the single land, so mm... no husband or kids to brag about. mm.. car? i drive a lousy cheap malaysian made car. work? mm........ it could be interesting. perhaps.

I always imagined myself diving in piles of files, late nights at my overlooking a great scene office, bombarding my few tens of staff, pin stripped clean cut pants n matching suit, LV bag on my right hand... and the dream goes on and on. Call me crazy, yeah.... I wanted that life. But...... who would've guessed (even myself), I'd end up educating. A teacher. Yes, that is what I am. A teacher.

I still get a few remarks from friends and strangers like "what??!! you're a Teacher?"..... with a humble reply, "Yes, I am... I know I know.... Me? a teacher?"

I don't know what is it that blows people mind off about me being a teacher. I'm too hot to be a teacher? or too crazy to be one? LOL. which ever it is, it doesn't really matter to me.

I must say, in today's school, it's like an evolving war of mutants and vampires. okay, that's exagerating, there's only 60% truth to that.... What I meant was. It wasn't like what I remembered how school was. The amount of subjects, textbooks (I still remember how dreadful it was to bring textbook which back then was just a few), the cliches, teachers.... n the long dreadful list goes.

As a malaysian teacher, you aer required to be MULTI-TALENTED SKILLED. shit. How on earth does one be so MULTISKILLED? You have to be as follow (at least more than 1 of the list below) :

1. An actor (able to deceive emotions, stay always above pressure especially in front of students)
2. A secretary. (you have to plan your schedule, you type your own question papers - for every suject you teach, key in your student's marks and so forth)
3. A handyman (you must be able to at least know how to be handy around the office in case anything breaks, or anything you might need to use for teaching needs to be made)
4. A driver (once in a while, especially at a school that doesn't have a driver since they don't have any bus, teachers are required to be DRIVERs for students).
5. A part time parent (A teacher's job for 6 hours, besides teaching in a class)
6. A trainer (whether you like sports or not or any co-curriculum activity for that matter, YOU HAVE TO LIKE IT)

There's more than the list above. But, I'm just too darn lazy to put it all. I'm sure you get my point by now.

Hear me out, I'm not complaining about my job. I'm not saying it's all bad. Just the side effects it has on me emotionally. lmao.

Prolly, I'd write about the fancy dandy stuff about being a teacher in my next post. :)

signing off,
the singing teacher,


  1. wah tong2 a teacher?!!!!..of couse org tekejut hehehehe..cikgu ganas kah?

  2. bibeh: uisssshhh nda ganas suda bah. everytime sya dengan kamurang yang sia ganas. habis korang suma gila.

  3. very true. am a teacher myself, and i had always imagined the office thingy as well,hehe.

  4. Hi stef, thanks for dropping by... Great to have a teacher on board, reading my page.. thankies.
