Friday, November 5, 2010

My Single Ladies Journey

"Falling in Love is easy. Trying not to Love is the hard part."

Before catastrophe, my colleagues and I vaguely thought of a trip Semporna - Tawau during this Depavali holiday. Unforeseen events (the catastrophe) eventually made the trip happen!

From last nite's restless nite + deprivation of sleep, I bravely endured the 5 hours of dull, tons of singing drive to Semporna today. I am really worn out and emotionally drained. But, life must go on.

I vowed not to talk about my personal tonite.

Well, we left at 8am from sandakan. Calculating the KMs and the road condition, we should have arrive Semporna latest by 2pm, but.. girls being divas, being late + other unnecessary stops is a must. Journey to Semporna was dull. You look to your left, palm oil. You look to your right, palm oil, AGAIN. Imagine palm oil almost 80% of the journey ?!

It's been raining since we've arrived, so I'm yet to be impressed by what Semporna has to offer me.

There's still few things to say, but too tired right now.

lights off,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Truth - the reality or pain?

My biggest fear in relationship is trust.

In my years of having relationship, I've always had a hard time with my fellow friend "Trust" . Somehow I was always obsess of possessing the truth, at the same time, getting hurt by it. My need to have the truth was always a frienemy.

By force of nature to see how truth and lies destroy relationships of people around me, I somehow have a mindset of men - their character, nature and attitude.

Little did I know, actually I was the poison in my past relationship.
How do I overcome, I do not know.
What must I do, is just to have faith and hope someone will help me overcome this and leave this frienemy.

I cannot undo what I have done,
I lead this life, to learn mistakes,
though it takes me mistakes after mistakes,
Let time teach me truth.

yours truly,

Sunday, October 24, 2010

10 Months of 2010

Though 2010 has proved to be quite an interesting year, 2010 is no lesser than that. I've moved to my new house (i'm still renting tho') which is a good thing. I think the old house was kinda creepy have that eerie effect.. somehow has bad feng shui or something that sort. I can't really put my finger in to it.

The old story 'AstroBoy' is out of the picture already (so yesterday babes). I really think it was just stupid infatuations that I had since I wasn't dating anyone at that moment. However, I do not regret an inch of the decisions I've made concerning to 'AstroBoy'... :). Why hold on to something that is harmful and not beneficial? That screams Danger Ahead from 10 miles away? Don't you think?

I'm sad that I went on the long hiatus ever on my blog. Y? Guess I just lost my flair for babbling with words these past months. I'm proud to say that it's all back??!! (I hope)

Most importantly, this year I've lost a once good friend (or so I thought she was <-- This story needs a post of its own), and on the other hand, I've gained lots of new ones. Who said friends last forever?! haha, look at paris hilton? they change BFF like they change their clothes too. LOL.

Since I left my blog empty for quite some time, I'm planning to post past events + new. So, please bear with the updates.... Let me see, I'll try to list down what I feel like blogging and strike them off the list when I'm done with it or don't feel like to.

1. She is My Frienemy
2. New Skills Acquired
3. "Rome"
4. "Blog-Shopping"
5. "Boy-Pals"
6. The Teaching Profession
7. Wishlist
8. The Game of Love

So far, that's the planned out topics. hopefully there will be more interesting things.

"my life's final destination is to God"

much love,

Monday, September 13, 2010

Waking Up and a short Goodbye.

Hello.. after a long hiatus since last year. Nearly a year. I didn't want to start off a new blog .. So, I'll just pick up where I left off.

2010 has really been interestingly challenging in a sweet bitter sour way, though I wouldn't mind all the recent good stuff that has been happening.

last year's story was a lot about AstroBoy, which was very complicated. I hadn't really resolve the situation as dainty as I would like but then again endings are not as romantic and easy realistically.
I've lived quite a fairytale last year... full of drama! sheesh.. lucky for me, that has ended.

I'm not gonna post a long one dis time as I've got another thing in mind. I will be writing my life again..

To AstroBoy a silent goodbye
if you're reading.....

I wish you good luck, happiness.
I forgave you a long time ago.
Live life.
it's just that, I don't want to have you in my life again.

alright, with that done. I am very proud of myself that I've forgave and moved on and said my goodbyes.

sometimes, some people are not worth keeping, don't you think?
